Houston Art Consultant
/Consulting for Coprorate and Local Businesses

delivery and installation
Free Consultations
At Houston Art Consultant we have several
services to help you on your way!
Call us to book your first appointment, all consultations are free.
We never charge you a fee for consulting so give it a try and see if we can help you.
Fees will be applied to delivery and for installation: it is recommended that you choose our installers and due to the large quantity of work, a delivery fee will also be applied.
Please consult with us on pricing as every need is variable.
Just need a personal shopper to buy things for you that can go along with your artistic needs that are not artworks? That is another great reason why we can help. At $30.00 an hour we are able to squeeze in a little window shopping for you. It may be that you need throw pillows to match the art, or little countertop decor from a local artist fair. A vintage lamp and some books that look like they have been read... this is all about a personal touch that makes all the difference in the style and look of your place.
Printing options make it easier than ever to distrubute large quantities of art at a low cost! Learn about how we can print images for you. You may want to use us for printing and framing! We can have whatever you need printed on wall paper, plexiglass, metal, fabric, canvas and paper.
personal shopper
printing options and