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Use Houston Art Consulting for Marketing Opportunities!

Your businss has great ideas but you need someone, an artist, to create it for you! Why not contact us to create a whole new marketing look or... connect  with us for the use of illustration. Our artists have the ability to do the work for you for a fee,


Look below to see what we offer and how it works.



Are you looking for someone to help your brand become more of a marketable item? By asking us for help we can connect you with a variety of illustrators. You have a story to share, we have the talent to help you share it! Imagine the possiblilities an artist can provide to make the images you want feel like a reality. Illustrators are not just known to illustrate books, the can also illustrate your products and create a real life scenerio that will enhance the viewers attention.


Possible marketing illustrative opportunities for this image could include:




romance novels

greeting cards


(this was made into a greeting card that read: Don't wait for the one you can live with, wait for the one you can not live without) 






​Graphic design, Logos, Marketing Material design


It takes an artist to design some of the most well known graphics known to mankind today. Ask us for help in coming up with marketing material that can enhance your marketablility!

We have skilled artists with degrees in design.

Use us for your markeing material to help create a brand for your company.


Marketing opportunities for this artwork:

Corporate artwork



Use  our illustators to help you with brochures, flyers, business card design, logos, t-shirt design, and type of presentation material.​






Design Artist


Have you ever wondered how  some projects are put together? It seems the artist may have played an important role in creating an idea but it was only created there. Then in some cases another team takes over to finish the idea.


Maybe you need an artist to inspire the plans of a large mural and you hire a particular artist to design it for you but due to the large size this artist will not work on site. In that case the artist simply does the illustration and we contract another business to help us complete the project to plan.


Design artist may be used for murals, mosaic design, glass etchings, frescos and more!


Marketing opportunities for this artwork:








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